Behat is a php framework that is used to write BDD tests. It uses the Gherkin syntax.
You can transform a variable type into another:
//Context.php file
* @Transform :values
public function castStringToArray(string $values){
return explode(',', $values);
* @Given my :values
public function myValuesAsArray(array $values){
//an array of values
You can use scenario outline to run your tests for different given values:
Scenario Outline: Add two values
Given <v1> and <v2>
When I add them
Then the result should be <result>
| v1 | v2 | result |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 | 4 |
To run the tests:
#run all tests
$ vendor/bin/behat
#run a specific file
$ vendor/bin/behat <path>/<my_feature>.feature
#run a specific scenario
$ vendor/bin/behat <path>/<my_feature>.feature:<line_number>